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Who is His Assassin?

This is an essay on some conspiracy theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

      The thirty-fifth President of the United States was assassinated; but, why was his assassin killed, and why is there so much information missing? John F. Kennedy was one of the most noteworthy presidents the United States has ever had. John F. Kennedy was born May 29, 1917, then on the twenty-second of November, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated him in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy left four kids behind, along with his wife, Jackie. Many conspiracies have emerged since his death: 

  1. Oswald was not the only shooter.

  2. The Mafia was connected to John F. Kennedy’s death.

  3. The government was involved in the president's death

Let us take a look at John F. Kennedy and the conspiracies about his death, with the most likely one being there was more than one shooter.

      John F. Kennedy was a man who was very determined to succeed in anything he set his mind to. After JFK said, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty”; an article stated, “No words could have portrayed more aptly the determination of John F. Kennedy as he assumed office as the spokesman for a new generation of Americans’" (“Findings” 1). Even before being elected as the United States, President Kennedy was determined to advance up the political ladder. According to the article, John F. Kennedy: Life Before the Presidency “in 1946, the twenty-nine-year-old Kennedy won election to the US Congress representing a working-class Boston District” (Selverstone 1). He was only 29 when he did this. When he won the election as the US Congress representative, he was determined to keep working towards even bigger things. His next accomplishment was in 1952 when “he ran for the US Senate and defeated the republican incumbent…” (1). After that win, he was determined to start his next journey through politics; “in 1956 he mounted a serious quest for the vice presidential spot alongside presidential hopeful Adlai Stevenson” (1). John F. Kennedy did not let that loss stop him; he went on and became the United States president in the Next presidential election that he ran in.

      John F. Kennedy was a forward thinker. On the twelfth of September in 196, John F. Kennedy made a speech called, We Choose to Go to the Moon, where he said:

            But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. (Arnold 5)

Just six years later, less than a decade after John F. Kennedy’s speech, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. His favoring innovation and development for his country shows he is a forward thinker.

      Kennedy was a charitable man. JFK Library says “Kennedy stated, ‘If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.’ Just hours later, in his first official act, he issued an Executive Order to provide more food aid for needy families in response to the poverty he witnessed as he campaigned across the country” (“Poverty in America” 1). When John F. Kennedy helped the needy across the country for his first act as president; he was a charitable man. 

      John F. Kennedy can be described as a determined individual, a forward thinker, and a charitable man. He was determined to make his way up the political ladder. JFK thought about his country’s future and what would make his country better. Kennedy always wanted to ensure the needy had what they needed, so he tried his hardest to give them that; which made him a charitable man.

      In the death of John F. Kennedy, there are three major conspiracies. One of these conspiracies suggests more than one person killed John F. Kennedy. Another one points to his death being connected to the Mafia. The other indicates that the government was involved in the president’s death.

      The first conspiracy theory is the most likely scenario. This theory suggests that Oswald was not the only shooter. According to the book, Who Really Killed Kennedy. 50 Years Later Stunning New Revelations About the JFK Assassination, a Vietnam combat veteran and trained police sniper, Craig Roberts said:

            I knew instantly that Oswald could not have done it… At least not alone... Oswald could not have possibly fired three shots in a rapid succession–5.6 seconds according to the museum displays–with a worn-out military surplus Mannlicher mounted with a cheap telescopic sight from that particular location to the kill zone (Jerome Corsi 49). 

This comes from someone trained to do the kind of thing Oswald did. He received training to be a sniper. Roberts knows that there is no way for Oswald to hit the President with the old gun he was using at such a rapid time because he could not do it and he was trained, while Oswald was not. Roberts is not the only one who believes this “Few experts believe that Lee Harvey Oswald could have fired all the shots which poured into the president’s open convertible” (Mafia and CIA Linked in JFK Murder | CIA FOIA (Foia.Cia.Gov)). This conspiracy is the best possibility. Oswald could not have done it by himself. This conspiracy has the most experts saying it is an excellent possibility that Oswald was not the only shooter.

The second conspiracy theory suggests that the Mafia was connected to John F. Kennedy’s death. While the president was in the car in Dallas, there was a man in the crowd, “Eugene Hale Brading, with a record dating back to 1934, was allegedly an associate of James (The Weasel) Frattiano, a well-known Mafia figure” (Mafia and CIA Linked in JFK Murder | CIA FOIA (Foia.Cia.Gov)). The presence of this man in the crowd does not necessarily imply that he was there to make sure the President was killed. This man could have just wanted to see the president up close or could have wanted to use this enormous crowd as a cover-up to him meeting other people. There are numerous reasons he could have been there.

      The last conspiracy theory points to the government being involved in the president’s death. In Kennedy’s short time as president, he had to deal with two big crises, the “Bay of Pigs” invasion and the Cuban Missiles. The FBI and other government agencies were not happy with how he handled these crises. According to a document, “It is now learned that JFK may have incurred the wrath of the CIA and underworld figures, because of the touchy Cuban situation at the time” (Mafia and CIA Linked in JFK Murder | CIA FOIA (Foi.a.Cia.Gov)). There is no proof that the CIA was unhappy with the president. It has not been confirmed, so people just the government agencies have made it seem like it is a rumor that people should not believe.

      The world thinks this case is solved, but more people believe it is not. Many experts believe that there are still other shooters out there since Oswald could not have shot the president alone. In these people’s eyes, the Kennedy family still has not gotten justice for the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy but, in the eyes of others this case is solved and Oswald is dead so there is justice.

      John F. Kennedy was a determined, forward thinker and charitable man. Sadly, his life ended early when he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. When he was assassinated, there were numerous conspiracies about his death like: Oswald was not the only shooter, the Mafia was connected to JFK’s death, the government was involved in the president's death. The most likely one is that Oswald was not the only shooter.

Work Cited

      Arnold, David Christopher. “We Chose to Go to the Moon”. An Analysis of a Cold War Means-Developing Strategy. National Defense University Press. January 2022. Accessed 7 June 2024.

      Corsi, Jerome R. “Who Really Killed Kennedy?” WND Books. 2013. Accessed 21 June 2024.

      “Findings.” National Archives. National Archives editors. 15 Aug. 2016. Accessed 7 June 2024.

      “Mafia and CIA Linked in JFK Murder | CIA FOIA (Foia.Cia.Gov).” CIA. 9 June 1975. Accessed 23 June 2024.

      “Poverty in America” JFK Library. John F. Kennedy Library Foundation Editors. Accessed 7 June 2024.

      Selverstone, Marc J. “Life before the Presidency.”John F. Kennedy. Miller Center University of Virginia. 4 Oct. 2016. Accessed 7 June 2024.

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